Frabjous Geometric Puzzle & Sculture
Frabjous Geometric Puzzle & Sculture
Frabjous is an intricate puzzle inspired by a geometric sculpture created by mathematician and artist George Hart. Composed of 30 identical pieces that interlock at their vertices, this swirling structure presents a mesmerizing, mathematical form.
At its core, Frabjous is based on the Great Rhombic Triacontahedron—a self-intersecting polyhedron with thirty rhombic faces. Each piece is a carefully crafted plane designed to avoid intersecting with the others, resulting in a harmonious and stable whole.
Difficulty: Challenging
Weaving these interlocking pieces through each other while keeping each element precisely planar is more challenging than it appears. For those ready to embrace the complexity, instructions are included, and an instructional video available online to guide you through this unique and rewarding assembly experience.
“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
- Lewis Carroll , Jabberwocky